Friday, August 20, 2010

Please help with some simple algebra homework?

were reviewing old material and these are some of them i dont remeber how to do could you please help?


1. 3x+2(4x-5) when x=6

2. 2x^2+3x-4 (all over)/ 6 when x=3

3. 5(2x+3)-x when x=2

two step arithmetic problems:

For daniel's wedding the large room cost 450$ to rent and 15.95 per person for dinner how many people can attend the reception with a 2,795 is within her budget?

solve the fallowing

2/3x +4=16


evaluate expression

1. 2a^2-5ab+b^2-4(A+B) when A=-3 and B=2

2.MN+(m+2n)^2-3m-5n+8 if m=-4 and n=2

thanks if you can answer all of these its been like a year since ive done this and i have no clue how to do it anymore! the ';^'; means the number that fallows is the power and ';/'; is when it is a fraction.

thanks first person to answer gets 10 points unless there not correct then the next correct ones get itPlease help with some simple algebra homework?

1. 3x+2(4x-5) when x=6

2(6) +2 (4*6 -5)

12 + 8*6 -10



2. 2x^2+3x-4 (all over)/ 6 when x=3

I don't like doing exponents with typing. sorry. lol i need pen %26amp; paper

3. 5(2x+3)-x when x=2

5(2*2 +3) -2

10*2 +15 -2

20 +15 -2


For Daniel's wedding the large room cost 450$ to rent and 15.95 per person for dinner how many people can attend the reception with a 2,795 is within her budget?


147 people

solve the following

2/3x +4=16

2/3x -4=20

[2/3x]/ 2/3 -4 = 20/ 0.66


x =34


4x= -24 +8



Sorry, too lazy to do the last two :)Please help with some simple algebra homework?
Sub the number given in for x.

1. 380

2. 23/6

3. 33

two step arithmetic problem.

Subtract 450 from 2795 and divide that difference by 15.95. You should get 147 people.

Solve the following:

1. 18

2. -4

Evaluate: Sub in the numbers given, if you don't do that, your just lazy.

1. 24

2. 2
yes! i can help you :D

just simply substitute in the value for ';x'; into it's place then do PEMDAS (parentheses, exponents, multiply, divide, add, subtract) aka ORDER OF OPERATION.

1.) 76

2.) 3.83 (repeating decimal)

3.) 33


two step arithmetic: 174 people can attend.

i did 2797-$450 = 2345.

then did 2345/15.95 = about 174.


2/3x = 12

3/2*2/3x = 12*3/2 (you want to get ';x'; alone so do the opposite of what is affecting ';x';)

x = 18.


1.) 2(-3)^2-5(-3)(2)+(2)^2-(4)(-3+2) = 82

2.) (-4)(2)+(-4+2(2))^2-(3)(-4)-5(2)+8 = -116
1)---- 3(6)+2(4(6)-5)******** 2x^2 +3x - 4 /6 ****** 5(2(2)+3)-2 **** 4)-- 2/3x+4=16

18+2(24-5) ************ 2(3)^2+3(3)-4 /6 ******** 5(4+3)-2 ******* **** 2/3x=16-4

18+2(19) ************ 2(9)+9-4 /6 ******************* 5(7)-2 ******** 2/3x=12.3/2

18+38 *************** 18 + 5 /6 ********************** 35-2 ************* 2/3x=36

56 ***********************23/6 = 3.83 *************** 33 ************** x=18

5)---- 4x-8=24 ************ 6)--- 2(3)^2 - 5(3)(2) + (2)^2 - 4(3+2)

4x=24+8 **************** 18-30+4-20

4x=32 *********************** -28


7)----- (4)(2) +(4+2(2))^2 - 3(4) - 5(2) + 8



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